Pharmacy Environmental Sustainability Community of Practice

About the programme

Medicines contribute to 25% of the NHS carbon footprint and can have other environmental impacts including waterway pollution. HIWM set up this Pharmacy Environmental Sustainability Network in October 2022, as a safe space to connect and network with other likeminded professionals from across the West Midlands to discuss medicine-related environmental sustainability topics.

Project Ambitions

We will seek to share, contribute learning and best practice to improve the considerable impact medicines have on the environment. The West Midlands Pharmacy Environmental Sustainability group will provide a virtual platform for collaboration; to share challenges, successes, and resources to help pharmacy teams contribute to NHS net zero targets and improve the environmental impact of medicines use.

Who should attend?

  • Pharmacy team members (pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and other pharmacy team members) with an environmental sustainability interest including
  • Primary care pharmacy team members
  • Care home pharmacy team members
  • Community pharmacy team members
  • Secondary care pharmacy team members
  • We would welcome representation from across the many specialist areas of pharmacy in order to share best practice, for example renal, respiratory, stores, procurement, aseptic services, surgery and theatres

Find out more

Get in touch with a member of the project team below to find out how you can get involved.


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