Human Factors Community of Practice

What is the Human Factors Community of Practice?

HIWM Human Factors Community of Practice was formed in 2020 to increase awareness, knowledge and application of Human Factors within healthcare, sharing the benefits that science can bring to healthcare across the region and beyond.

Why is a Human Factors Community of Practice required?

Despite recognition that Human Factors will benefit patient and staff safety and systems performance, healthcare organisations have struggled to integrate the science into their work.  With very few healthcare organisations employing qualified Human Factors Specialists, many of the Human Factors projects undertaken are done so by individuals or small groups of staff with an interest in the subject and a passion to make improvements. HIWM Human Factors Community of Practice has created a space to support individuals who have an interest and a passion to make improvements, allowing explore and develop their knowledge and skills.

What solution does the Human Factors Community of Practice provide?

The Community of Practice is open to any healthcare staff working within the West Midlands region who have an interest in Human Factors.

The Community of Practice:

  • Provides a safe space for members to ask questions;
  • Supports the development of individuals with an interest in HF;
  • Provides peer to peer support;
  • Provides mentoring;
  • Provides organisations who wish to increase their HF capability with guidance and advice;
  • Support for non-HF professionals who are interested in introducing HF systems thinking into their workplaces;

Collating a repository of case studies showcasing the impact of HF within healthcare.

What solution does the Human Factors Community of Practice provide?

  • Through mentoring, the number of Chartered Human Factors Specialists within the region has increased.
  • Eleven Community of Practice meetings held during the first two years.
  • Over 40 members.

Find out more

Please contact Fran Ives, Human Factors Specialist, if you are interested in being part of the Community of Practice.


Project team

Fran Ives

Chartered Human Factors Specialist

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